Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am not ashamed....

...to say I watch "The Bachelor", in fact I am proud! I officially make Tuesday "the day after Bachelor day" around here. So if you are not a fan I suggest you become one....

So last night was the season premiere and our darling single dad Jason was back. After being ditched at the alter last season by Deanna, and remember that's De-AH-nna, he is back to find his one true love. Well the pickings are slim. Here are my top three of weirdest bachelorettes....

This is 29 year old Shannon, a dental hygienist. Shannon is definitely a stalker, knowing everything about the bachelor from his birthday and his brother's names to who his siblings are dating. I am willing to bet she has gone through his garbage and watched him from a parked car. She is obsessed with teeth and as my husband so eloquently puts it, hers are able to eat an apple through a barbed wire fence.

Now meet Erica, I am not sure why he has kept her in the running as she appears to be quite gross. I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that this girl can not only belch the alphabet but is probably in the running for being the world's best armpit farter...

Finally we have Stephanie, a 34 year old single mom whose husband died in a plane crash. I am pretty convinced not only is Stephanie not 34 like she says but is also not a woman. I am thinking she is still in the "transitioning" stage. Again, I am willing to go all out and say that she may have boobs but below the waist it is "The Crying Game" for sure.....

Anybody have any favorites yet? or am I the only one brave enough to admit I watch???


This Mama said...

I don't watch but your blog is amusing enough (and probably better) for me to get what is going on.

Christina said...

Every season, every episode! I don't have any favorites yet but this season sure looks like it will be interesting, especially if Deanna comes back.

Kristen Howerton said...

You are awesome! Yes, the stalker wins craziest contestant, hands down. But how about the vision board girl?? She was a bit strange, too.

They all seemed a little light on the IQ. I still think DeANna was an idiot to have chosen the snowboarder over him.

Leslie said...

That was pretty funny when the vision board girl said she didn't see that coming. I was surprised that the woman from the small town in Pennsylvania was eliminated--maybe it was the discussion of toe implants.

Mamato2 said...

I just can't get into any of those shows. Now, give me a good LOST or Law and Order SVU and I am all over that! :) Enjoy your season of um, true love? :)

Sarah said...

I don't watch, but am enjoying every funny word of your recap :)

Lisa said...

I was in Edmonton and missed it. Bummer. I'll let you know what my picks are next week!

Lisa said...

I haven't seen the show, but I'm dying to know, the last chick looks like she's from Texas, or at least is a Southern Belle, am I right?????!!!!