Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Bachelor

Last night in the most dramatic fashion our dear Jason sent four girls packing...

The one on one date was with Molly who to me looks like a pug. They had the excitement of staying at his place, eating crappy fast food, and then shagging in the tent in the backyard. They so got busy. Did you hear the weird noises coming from the tent when they went to commercial.

I am kinda indifferent about the pug, as she seems sweet but not that bright I do feel a bit sorry for her. I think she will last another week and then she is outta there.

Then came the two on one date with Stephanie a.k.a "the man" and Niki a.k.a "burns". I am not sure if I have ever seen anything that awkward in a long time unless you count the attempt at Niki and Jason kissing last week which was more than just comical. They had some weird ball dancing lesson, ate some dinner and then Jason had to choose between the two. Burns was sent packing which is no surprise considering she for sure has OCD and more than likely more body hair than he does. Jason decided to keep Stephanie which I am assuming was only to see if she really does pee standing up. Did anyone else notice how sweaty they all looked? Maybe the threee of them had a tent set up too?!

Then they had some lame date on the set of General Hospital, which proved to just be a giant make out session. Is it me or does this guy kiss everyone? I would sure hate to be last in line on any given day...blech. And did you see the pig Megan go in for the kill? She looked to be searching his larynx with her tongue for lost treasure, very becoming of a lady.

No one vomited this week at the rose ceremony but it was not without bodily fluids since every freakin' girl was crying about something or other. At the end of the night Jason in typical Bachelor drama could not bring himself to give out the final rose. So Shannon, the buck toothed psychopathic hygienist went home along with bitchy Lauren, and slimy Megan.

Oh and Lisa, Dee-Ah-Na has not yet resurfaced....i am sure when she does it will simply be .....THE MOST DRAMATIC ROSE CEREMONY IN BACHELOR HISTORY!!!


Kristen Howerton said...

Seriously, I feel bad for the guy. The four girls that left this week were stone cold crazy. How about Shannon's nose picking, and the comment about french kissing her dog? The producers gave him a bunch of loonies.

Your analysis is always so dead-on!

Ericka said...

Kristen, I about puked when she talked about french kissing the dog. I seriously think the producers picked these girls for TV fodder.
The GH scene was just gross.
I kept thinking about being like, the third, fourth, seventh person he has kissed in a row. SO DISGUSTING!!!!!!
It was actually kinda hard to watch. My face is all crinkled up just thinking about it.....YUCK!!!!
He totally just wanted to have s*x with the pug. I agree, she's out next week :)
Ok and what's the deal with Stephanie. I can NOT figure her out, and his 'attraction' for her????????
Who's everyone's fave?