Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Bachelor~ Part 2

Well, did you watch? I hope so. I recorded it and then booted the little and loud kids to bed and watched.....

The Losers.....

Freaky medical student, Raquel got the boot last night. I wasn't surprised at this one, she didn't really seem like his type and what was with her getting into his limo and waiting for him? Did you see the look on his face? The poor guy is not the best at hiding his emotions and I couldn't tell if he was more appalled or scared of her sitting in wait. Anyways, she was gross, maybe they don't have shampoo in Brazil because she was greasy and gross.

Weird and elf-like Sharon also hit the pavement last nigh which is of very little loss. She was part elf and part mute and I honestly don't recall her stringing more than three words together in the four hours the show has been on for. I didn't think she would take it as hard as she did considering her crossed and beady eye's, I wasn't sure she saw much more than the bridge of her nose the entire show.

Then in a dramatic (insert gagging sound here) turn of events another girl left the show voluntarily to be with her ailing Grandma.

Lisa, A.K.A Olive-Oil, left the show with about as much flair as when she entered and for those of you wondering, that was with zero flair. The girl was as boring as they get.

The Nuts that Remain...

I still don't get this one, she is beyond weird. How in the heck can he not see that she is a complete stalker? I really hope little Ty doesn't have a pet bunny if this girl ever comes over. I am willing to bet that if I went into my basement right now and went through all my old textbooks I would find her picture on numerous pages of the ole DSM IV. She is absolutely certifiable and what is with her teeth? She says she is a dental hygienist and is obsessed with good teeth and yet hers are sticking out all over the place. Reminds me of when old people push their dentures forward to scare young kids, oh wait, maybe that was just my Grandma, whatever you get the point. This one needs to go.

I am not sure what bugs me most about Stephanie. Is it the fact that the show is trying to pass her off as 34, which is clearly not the case since she appears to be about 40. Is it the weird plastic-ness of her face and the fact that it doesn't move, no matter what. Is it her freakishly long eyebrows that go from the bridge of her nose to her temples. Side note- can you imagine if elf-like Sharon had those brows? She would always have a hair in her eye! or is it simply that this woman...has a penis!! She is not a woman. She is some state of transition and I am going to guarantee you that when Jason and her choose to forgo their individual rooms and stay together as a couple in the fantasy suite, his intention wasn't to play a game of pitcher/catcher.

Then there is Megan, looks cute, right? Well I think she is a complete loon as well. You wait, she is going to get in some kind of cat fight before the show is over and who leaves their baby at home to come to do the show? Megan is the type of girl that even at the beginning of the night when the party is just starting and you are supposed to look good and put together, looks like she has been on a two day bender. Every time you see her she looks disheveled and drunk. Megan fits the eloquent statement said by many "she looks like she has been ridden hard and put away wet".

Then there is Natalie, A.K.A Sunkist. Does anyone else notice that this girl is actually orange? Has no one the common decency to say "Hey Natalie, you are looking exactly like a freakin' Sunkist and I think you should lay off the tanning beds/creams/sprays?" I am actually worried this girl may have some weird form of jaundice and may be in need of a liver transplant. In my opinion this girl is a complete dud and will go home soon.

My Fave Thus Far...

I am picking Jillian as my favorite so far. First, she is normal. Second, she is a good Canadian girl so I am being patriotic. Third, she doesn't have a penis.


Kristen Howerton said...

Oh my gosh, you are hilarious. I was just hoping you would have some commentary this morning. Too funny!

Kristin said...

I needed a laugh today and I am so glad that I found your blog! You are hilarious and are so good at verbalizing the stuff I am too much of a wimp to say! Your commentarty on the bachelor babes was right on-keep it coming. What do you think of Melissa? Found you from another adoption blog-Cheryl, and we are in the process of growing to seven as well. Thanks for the laugh!!