Saturday, April 25, 2009

Since I am being honest...

I feel so free after confessing some of my mommy sins. I also had to laugh when so many others felt the same way! When I hit the "publish post" button I almost deleted the post. I wondered if some would think poorly of me, would judge me, and then wondered why I cared. I have read back on some old posts and realized that I too was falling into the trap of the blogospehere-trying to make myself look or sound better than I really am. It made me ill. The thought of joining the ranks of those I abhor so much made me realize that if this blog was going to continue it had to do so with complete authenticity. I had to be authentic. And not in a warped, Oprah-induced "authentic self" kinda way. In a real me, a few bad words, say it like it is, kinda from now on that is my goal. I will not even try to keep up with the handmade clothing, granola toting, mom jean wearing kind.


Nadia said...

people still handmake clothing?? WHY?

veggiemom said...

Blogs that are all rosy and no real life do me no good. All they do is isolate us. Thanks for being honest. It is entertaining and oh so easy to relate to...well except for school stinking. I haven't spent enough time there to know. ;-)

Kristen Howerton said...

Just please keep posting stunning photos of your daily craft times with the kids. It's the only reason I visit.