My blogger friend Sarah, challenged us to say what we are most proud of this year. I being the woman I am have risen to the challenge and ask all of you, my loyal readers, to do the same! So here it goes...
1. I am proud of my kids. They are quirky, weird, and sometimes annoying but they are mine, all mine. I am proud I have kids that people actually like, with their own opinions and personalities. I have kids who will shake your hand when they meet you, look you in the eye when they speak to you, kids that are aware of the world around them. I have kids who do not blindly bow to authority simply because they should. I have kids who question things and try and make sense of the things that are hard to make sense of. I have kids who are people I like and want to be around. They are not perfect, but are pretty perfect to me.
2. I am proud of my man. I don't think I could ask for a harder working husband. He works six days a week and has for years with never a complaint while doing so, mind you I think work is a lot quieter than home....I have a husband who provides for us far above what I could have ever asked for and because of this I can stay home with the kids, which may simply be his plan to slowly erode my will to live and collect the insurance money, but regardless he is a good man. After 18 years of being "together" he still thinks I am hot, still grabs my butt as I walk ahead of him up the stairs, still loves me the best.
3. I am proud I do not wear tapered, pale, jeans. I am proud I am not stuck in some weird fashion vortex and still believe that the lighter the better. I am proud my jeans cover my ankles and do not ride up around my belly button. I am proud I do not wear stirrup pants with over sized sweaters. I am proud I have moved past banana clips, and feathered hair. I am proud to have left blue eye liner in the 90's and that my lipstick does not look like Crisco.
4. I am proud of my friends. They are a weird bunch, none the same but all great. I think our friends play such an important role in our lives and as we get older and get consumed in family life so many of those friendships get forgotten. I have friends that I can not talk to for weeks and pick up right where we left off. They are fun, they are insane at times. They have been there for me always.
5. I am proud I am not a member of the Duggar family. Those have to be the weirdest bunch of people I have ever seen. I am proud I do not have 18 kids and still wanting for more. I am proud I am not trying some weird alliteration record with my kids first names. I am proud my uterus and bladder is not moments away from falling out of my vagina from so many births. I am proud my home is a home and not an assembly line of robotic children working to care for those younger than them because Jim-Bob can't keep it in his pants.
6. I am proud we can expose our kids to the world. I know how lucky we are to be able to travel with our brood and expose them to all the world has to offer. I am proud my kids adapt to where they are, try new foods and see new sights. I am thrilled to be able to take them places that they may never see again, to create memories that they will have forever.
7. I am proud I am not a lazy slob anymore. I have always hated exercise. I have always heard people go on and on about how they are addicted to it and if they don't get an exercise fix they feel gross, I have never for the life of me understood it. I do now. I am proud that three times a week I drag my flat butt off to the Y and run. I am proud I am now able to do so without feeling like I was going to barf. I am proud my waist is slowly coming back, although finding my old butt still eludes me.
8. I am proud I am sane and remain unmedicated. I am thrilled that I have been able to stay sane with the chaos of my life. I am proud that I can juggle a clean home, mountains of laundry, five loud kids, all of their friends, and still not be addicted to any substance other than diet coke. I am proud I can still remember how to form words at the end of the night when a few hours earlier I was contemplating how much of my frontal lobe had melted that day.
9. I am proud of my home. I love a clean and somewhat orderly home and for the most part that is what I have. I am proud that people can come over and I do not have to use a snow shovel to clean the debris to make room for them on the couch. I am proud that I do not stick to the floor when I walk on it, although it has been known to be on the crunchy side after meals. I am proud the toilet does not resemble Shrek's swamp and that when using the facilities one does not have to close their eyes and plug their nose.
10. Finally, I am proud of this season of the Bachelor. I love that wimpy, single dad and hope he finds true love this season, which by the way starts in only a few short weeks. I am proud that every Monday night starting on January 5th, I will plop my flat butt down on the couch and watch true love bloom. I will listen to my husbands moan and groan about me watching it and then he too will become addicted and watch right along with me. For this I am proud.....
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
I love this post. One of your best.
Also, I never miss the Bachelor either. :)
jenn- i posted this comment on my blog after your comment but wanted to be sure you saw it, so i'm posting it here, too. thanks for the compliment about my kiddos (i happen to agree with you!) and for checking out our blog. i checked out yours as well. nice looking family you have, too. five kids - wow! maybe i'll know what that's like one day... ;)
i am proud of you !
OMG! The Duggar family! They are like the Osmonds X 10, but with no talent! LOL
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog :)
PS: My security word for posting this comment is scroto.
Hmmm... scroto- noun
I shall use it in a sentence:
When the man got a major karate kick to his privates, he had to have one of his "boys" removed, making his double occupancy scrotum, into a singular scroto. :)
GREAT, GREAT post! Thanks for the challenge! Now I have to sit here and think of all the things I am most proud of.
ROFLMAO at MaliaMama's scroto sentence.
Too Funny!
I can't take it!
I'm proud I haven't died from a heart attack from laughing so much at this post!
Awesome post, Jen! Loved it!
And I'm dying of laughter here over Malia's Mama's comment, lol :)
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