Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The story of a table....

Kelsey wants a bedroom of color in our new house- red, yellow, green, orange, purple, and so on.... I thought I would try my hand at refinishing. I found this table on kijiji a week or so ago for $10.

Primed her up with a bit of Zinzer....

Then coated her in some bright red spray paint, compliments of your local Walmart.

I then scuffed her all up and rubbed on some Minwax stain....

Replaced the old wood knob with one that will match the hardware in the new house....done! All for the whopping price of $17.00! The best part is that if she gets bored with it I won't feel bad about replacing it.

My next project....

I bought this very old dresser for $75. I fell instantly in love with it's shape and the little keyholes in the drawers. Now to make her look pretty again!


Nadia said...

love kijiji!!!

Mamato2 said...

Oh I now know what to do with the butt ugly table stand, in the bathroom, I use to store "monthlY' supplies! Good job!

veggiemom said...

Ooh!!! I love the table! Can't wait to see what you do with the dresser!

This Mama said...

Love it Jen! Nice work. I find it addictive, fixing up old weird stuff (or at least imagining I am fixing it up, I have a massive project to-do list). I am excited to see what her new room will look like!

How is the rest of the new place coming along?

Mandy (back online - thank god)