This weekend was a good one. Friday night one of my bestest girlfriends was hosting one of those lame "home parties". She has an addiction to these things, this one was jewelry. I don't go for the products. I go for the food and for the opportunity to make fun of her new friends. Recently she moved out of the city to a smaller town about an hour East of here. She has met some real winners. People who say things like " I seen her" or "I ain't gonna..." It's a grammatical nightmare but man does it provide for hours of fun on the drive home! So four of us city gals packed into my beast and headed East. We followed the revolting smell of the feed lots and before you knew it, we were there! The food was good, the jewelry was surprisingly nice, and as suspected we had a grand time mocking the party guests on the way home.
Speaking of the way home....just as I was pulling into a neighbouring community to drop off one of my girlfriends we noticed a police car behind us. Didn't think much of it until it pulled into her cul de sac, put on it's lights and got out of the car. Hunky cop #1 informed me that he ran my plates and they appeared to show that I was driving an old stolen vehicle. Nice. I guess police run plates at 230 am of "suspicious" vehicles and my pimp mobile must fit the description of suspicious. I assured officer hunky that it was my car and handed over my license and insurance...and wasn't I thrilled to them find out that my registration was not in the car. The one thing that actually proved the car was mine was not there. I wanted to kill my husband, who by the way informed me the next morning that, oops, it was in his briefcase. I guess the hunkster and his equally hunky partner felt sorry for me and told me that were not overly suspicious of me, maybe the care full of drunk stay at home mom's and baby seats that did it, who knows, but he let me go with a warning. I avoided a $175 ticket for driving without registration...whew! My one girlfriend is convinced it was because she was showing extra cleavage in the backseat and another is convinced it's because the cop had a "cougar complex"...whatever it was I was glad to avoid the ticket. I was also happy to avoid jail when my one insane girlfriend asked if he needed a babysitter and could she give him a bath. I am serious.
Saturday I felt like dog crap and other than sitting in the backyard with the kids I did nothing. I have had the worst acid reflux for the past few days and it is soooo uncomfortable. I take Nexium every morning to help but even it's not doing the trick. I have cut out all pop, caffeine, spicy foods, etc but to no avail. I still have fire in my throat and chest. I have found a couple holistic methods online and am going to the heath food store today to try them out. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear about them....
Sunday was our day to get some more stuff done around the house before the sign hits the front lawn. We got the front lawn all cleaned up and ready for the annuals to be planted and I managed to re stain the arbour in the front to match the front door. A few more things and we are done!! The cutest part of the day was watching Ty take his two little brothers outside and play street hockey with them. Wil and Sam were in their glory to have so much attention from their big bro and hearing a three year old and a four year old yell "scores!!!" was way too cute...
Well I am off to find a cure for my fire.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Well, having been a lifelong sufferer of GERD I can say that my go to lifesaver is mashed potatoes. When I get GERD that I just cannot shake I go on a steady diet of mashed potatoes. It's also key to not let your stomach get empty, that reduces the acid build-up. Lots of small meals with things that coat the stomach. Sweet potatoes also work for me. Hope you are feeling better soon.
apple cider vinegar, drink a tablespoon in the am and PM
oh, carla said switch to prevacid, take 2 a day for a couple weeks then one a day. that's what works for her. the purple pill didn't work for her.
I have heard that acv works. I am going to get some tomorrow and try it out. I went and bought Aloe Vera juice as I was told it helped and other than tasting like mule piss it did nothing.
The Nexium is not working after weeks of taking it and in addition to the incessant fire in my chest I also feel like I have something lodged in my throat all the time.
How long did Carla stay on Nexium before dr natalie switched her?
couple of weeks
Found your blog while searching for info on Beacon House in Ghana. I can't seem to find anything but links to blogs. Would you be willing to share your adoption story. You can check my blogs or email me at tam4buit at hotmail dot com
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